Are you trying to be funny? Thank goodness. Because I’ve seen too many Ingmar Bergman movies for me to like jokes. Then, you must be a dummy. Okay, here are some little cinema lessons for dummies… Pluto doesn’t meet the conditions to become a film set. In fact, it doesn’t meet the conditions to become nothing at all. I don’t think anyone with half a brain has ever considered shooting a movie on Pluto. Maybe some Hollywood producer under the influence of a powerful hallucinogen, but no-one else. Don’t be fooled by appearances: Just like movies set in past times don’t require a trip back in time, science fiction movies that apparently take place on other planets are actually shot in Hollywood. Because there is a thing called ‘set decoration’, you know? Set decoration is an important part of a movie. Except if you are Ingmar Bergman and practically restrict yourself to filming close-ups, a director needs a set that fits the theme of the film. For example, it’s convenient that in a pirate movie the spectators see water somewhere, preferably sea water. No pools: pirate movies filmed in pools take away credibility to the story.