SLAP STICKSPope, pigeons and some unconditional puppy love

Pope, pigeons and some unconditional puppy love

Freddie’s sense of smell is as sharp as a scalpel. His approach towards the bird is precise. He leaps on the balcony railing, an orchestra of sharp teeth and claws clanging on the metal bar, snapping and crunching against a wing. Slicing and dicing at nature’s boulangerie serving pigeon meat. Then, before anyone can react, he pads over to me with the remnants of the dead bird in his mouth. Freddie eats anything: socks, erasers, dolls, and recently, a garment that he found in a garbage heap by the road. A traumatic event because he had to be cut open to remove this piece of offensive clothing which turned out to be a relatively intact, black, half-chewed men’s underwear.

Pope, pigeons and some unconditional puppy love
Illustration Credit: Chad Crowe

My cousin and I share Freddie. Like the only child of divorced parents, he is showered with affection as he shuttles between our homes. While Freddie is deeply loved, caring for him involves a strict vigil to see he doesn’t ingest potentially dangerous objects along with fluttering pigeons. Yet, we do it happily, albeit with a bit of theatrical moaning.

If aliens were watching us, they would find it bizarre that we accept these furry creatures into our lives where, for the next decade, we pick up their defecation multiple times a day. We feed, clean, and occasionally pick out ticks between their toes without asking for anything in return.

Even Pope Francis seems bewildered by this love for domesticated animals and believes that people are replacing children with pets. While discussing parenthood at the Vatican, he recounted an incident where a woman opened her bag and asked him to bless her baby. Except it was not a baby but a tiny dog tucked inside her handbag. He said, ‘People have dogs and cats that take the place of children…Denial of fatherhood and motherhood diminishes us, takes away our humanity.’

There is a definite cost when it comes to having pets. And it may be more than vet bills and kibbles, like the recent battle over Henry which reached Parliament. Mahua Moitra and her ex-partner, Jai Anant Dehadrai, fought over their rottweiler. Moitra had filed a police case against Dehadrai to get custody of the dog, and he, in turn, filed a complaint alleging that Moitra had been accepting bribes. Currently, Moitra has been expelled from Parliament, a slightly heavier price for loving her dog than the ones I have paid in the form of chewed-up armchairs and stained carpets.

There is a scientific reason for our attachment to dogs. Researchers at the Allen Institute for Brain Science in Seattle found that the brain activation patterns evoked by images of women’s own children and when watching their dogs were similar in nature. Also, those puppy dog eyes that melt our hearts? Dogs figured out our weakness, and over centuries of domestication acquired a new forehead muscle called the levator anguli oculi medialis that helps them create that lost but hopeful expression.

It may seem like a lopsided equation where dogs get food and poop-cleaning services without humans getting tangible rewards, but there are myriad benefits to having a dog. According to Swedish scientists, having a pet was associated with a 23% reduction in heart disease deaths. Dogs also increase social interactions along with your step count. I even know a couple who recently got married, thanks to their dog. The man was buying a sweater for his beagle, and the woman’s daughter started playing with the dog in the store. Conversation over the pet’s clothing led to a series of coffees, and a year later, they were scrambling down the aisle with the beagle in attendance as the best dog.

As for children, having a dog is an antidote to the allure of the omnipresent digital world. Pets provide companionship, help get them off their screens, and teach them selflessness and a sense of responsibility.

This Christmas, someone accidentally placed a plate of chicken satay in front of the kids while Freddie was around. He jumped on the plate and started gulping down the pieces. My 11-year-old, worried about him swallowing the wooden skewers holding the chicken together, tried pulling the pointed skewers out of his mouth. She got bitten on both hands. Three shots of rabies and one shot of tetanus later, she claims she has no regrets. ‘It was an accident. He didn’t mean to bite me, and it doesn’t matter as long as Freddie is fine.’

Now, if I had inadvertently chomped on her fingers, not only would there be unceasing accusations, but 20 years later, it would be a subject of intense discussion during her therapy sessions. But this is part of the covenant we make with our pets: to honour and protect each other from the vagaries of life.

Recently, after a particularly miserable day, I walked into the house, and Freddie jumped on me in excitement, his tail whipping back and forth like a metronome keeping time with his happy heart. I patted him on his head, enveloped in his joy. It occurred to me that if people greeted their spouses the way dogs greet you when you return home, there would be fewer divorces. Reminded of my own absentminded and distracted response when my husband had called that afternoon, I sent him a picture of the two of us with a heart emoji, the human version of wagging my tail. And I waited for him to wag his in return.

The Pope suggests that denial of parenthood may diminish our humanity, but having a dog is a persistent reminder that we are never more human than when we express our need to love and be loved in return. It’s about having someone in our lives who, if it were possible, would swallow all our weary emptiness along with discarded underwear and dead birds.



Views expressed above are the author’s own.


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